The SASKATCHEWAN REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION was incorporated by Parliamentary Act in 1938. Our Mission is to promote progressive ideas in music education, to encourage professionalism in the art of teaching: and to stimulate a high standard of music and culture. Both the Act and the Bylaws can be found on our website.
Please read this information carefully before filling in the Application Form.
Categories of Membership
1) Full Member
2) Affiliate Level 1
3) Affiliate Level 2
All Applicants are required to submit a recent criminal check (i.e. within three months of application date). Applicants for the Affiliate levels must live in Saskatchewan and must be at least 18 years of age.
Minimum Educational Requirements for Membership:
1. Full Member – Applicant must have completed pedagogical training (either as part of their diploma/degree or as a supplement to their diploma/degree) or
show proof of successful teaching and have completed at least one of the following:
2. *Affiliate Level 1 – Applicants may apply for this category if all requirements for Full Membership are not yet met, and must have completed a Grade 10
certificate from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, or the Canadian National Conservatory of Music, or the equivalent thereof.
3. *Affiliate Level 2 – Applicants may apply for this category if all requirements for Affiliate Level 1 Membership are not yet met, and must have completed a
Grade 9 certificate from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, or the Canadian National Conservatory of Music, or the equivalent thereof.
*Affiliate Levels 1 and 2 candidates are not allowed to use the designation “RMT”
Please read this information carefully before filling in the Application Form.
Categories of Membership
1) Full Member
2) Affiliate Level 1
3) Affiliate Level 2
All Applicants are required to submit a recent criminal check (i.e. within three months of application date). Applicants for the Affiliate levels must live in Saskatchewan and must be at least 18 years of age.
Minimum Educational Requirements for Membership:
1. Full Member – Applicant must have completed pedagogical training (either as part of their diploma/degree or as a supplement to their diploma/degree) or
show proof of successful teaching and have completed at least one of the following:
- A music degree from a university recognized by the Executive, subject to approval by the Board of Examiners.
- Associate Diploma or equivalent to that granted by the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, Canadian National Conservatory of Music, or any university or school of music recognized by the Executive.
- An Associate or Licentiate Teacher's or Performer’s Diploma granted by Trinity College, London, England, any one of the Royal Schools of Music, London, England, accompanied by successful completion of all the Royal Conservatory Grade IV theory exams (Harmony, History, and Counterpoint) or their equivalent.
2. *Affiliate Level 1 – Applicants may apply for this category if all requirements for Full Membership are not yet met, and must have completed a Grade 10
certificate from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, or the Canadian National Conservatory of Music, or the equivalent thereof.
3. *Affiliate Level 2 – Applicants may apply for this category if all requirements for Affiliate Level 1 Membership are not yet met, and must have completed a
Grade 9 certificate from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, or the Canadian National Conservatory of Music, or the equivalent thereof.
*Affiliate Levels 1 and 2 candidates are not allowed to use the designation “RMT”
For further information, and to download a membership application form, please visit the SRMTA Website.
Last updated: April 1, 2012